De Ambrassade operates as an expertise centre dedicated to all aspects of youth work, youth information, and youth policy. It serves as a support and networking organisation for youth initiatives across Flanders and Brussels. Additionally, it assumes the role of coordinating youth information throughout Flanders.
Furthermore, De Ambrassade acts as a vital intermediary between youth work and various policy domains that impact young individuals, including education, welfare, and employment. By fostering connections between these sectors, it ensures a holistic approach to youth development and empowerment.
Of particular significance is De Ambrassade's leadership in the Flemish Youth Council, the official advisory body to the Flemish Government on matters concerning children, youth, and their associated organisations. Through these endeavours, De Ambrassade plays a pivotal role in shaping policies and initiatives that directly influence the lives of young people in Flanders.
De Ambrassade will present their European ambitions and how they are pursuing them with the voluntary help of participatory and active young people.